Reign of Kings Wiki

Command Legend[ | ]

(Optional) - When you see this it means that the argument is optional.

   For example:
   /banlist (userName)
   Both of these work:
   /banlist - Lists all users in the ban list.
   /banlist B - Searches the ban list for any name containing a B.

[Required] - When you see this, it means that the argument is required.

   For Example:
   /notice [message] - Sends a message to all players.
   This works:
   /notice Hello!
   This does not:

How do I enter Names with Spaces?[ | ]

Any argument that contains spaces could confuse the server since the server separates arguments using spaces.

So this would confuse the server:

   /tp Mr. Smith Ms. Dole

Since the /tp command only takes two arguments: /tp [user1] [user2]

The above command will confuse the server because it thinks you are providing 4 arguments.

   [user1]: Mr.
   [user2]: Smith
   [?????]: Ms.
   [?????]: Dole

To fix this you need to surround the arguments with "double quotes" like so:

   /tp "Mr. Smith" "Ms. Dole"
   [user1]: Mr. Smith
   [user2]: Ms. Dole

This technique can be used for any argument in any command to combine an argument with spaces into a single argument.

Command List[ | ]

Command [Required] (Optional) Permissions Description
/giveSearch [search] rok.command.items.give Gives a full stack of all items containing the given search string
/ban username <username> <number of days> <reason> codehatch.command.admin.ban Bans the desired player from the server. You can optionally specify the number of days and/or a reason.
/banlist (userName) codehatch.command.admin.ban Lists the users that have been banned. Optionally searches by (username).
ball|cube|box|maze|plane|cylinder|structure|structures|pyramid] (radius) (material) Creates a shape out of blocks.
/buildFarm codehatch.command.debug Builds a farm.
/buildreport (username) codehatch.debug.buildreport.send Creates a report of the current state of the game for developers to look at.
/butcher (radius) ("silent") rok.command.objects.butcher Kills all monsters and critters in a radius.
/categoryList rok.command.items.give Lists out the names of all of the categories, for use with /giveCategory.
/categoryList rok.command.items.give Lists out the names of all of the categories, for use with /giveCategory.
/clearFarm codehatch.command.debug Clears the farm in the area.
/clearinv (userName) rok.command.items.clear Clears the inventory of you or (username).
/config codehatch.command.admin.config Modify the server configuration. Displays entire config.
/fastBuild codehatch.command.debug Toggles objects to setup fast.
/fastCrest codehatch.command.debug Toggles conquer times for crest to fast mode.
/fastDecay codehatch.command.debug Toggles the decay time to around 5 minutes.
/fastFarm codehatch.command.debug Toggles farming into fast mode.
/fastSetup codehatch.command.debug Toggles objects to setup fast.
/fly (userName) Toggles fly mode for yourself or optionally (userName).
/give [item] [amount] (userName) rok.command.items.give Gives a specified [amount] of an [item] optionally to (userName]. Defaults to self.
/giveall rok.command.items.giveall Gives max of every item available.
/giveCategory [search] rok.command.items.give Gives a full stack of all items belonging to the given search category
/giveCategory [search] rok.command.items.give Gives a full stack of all items belonging to the given search category
/giveFirst [search] rok.command.items.give Gives a full stack of the first items containing the given search string
/giveFish [fish type] [width] [height] [length] rok.command.items.give Gives 1 fish of [fish type] to you! Lucky You!
/giveSearch [search] rok.command.items.give Gives a full stack of all items containing the given search string
/godmode (username) rok.command.admin.godmode Enables godmode for yourself or (username).
/guild [message] Sends a [message] to your guild.
/heal (userName) Heals yourself or optionally (userName) to full health.
/help (command) Displays info about commands or optionally about (command).
/hud rok.command.ui.hud Displays a list of available HUDs.
/hud [name] rok.command.ui.hud Search HUDs by name.
/hud open rok.command.ui.hud Open a HUD by name.
/hud close rok.command.ui.hud Close a HUD by name.
/hud toggle rok.command.ui.hud Toggle a HUD by name.
/hydrate (userName) Hydrates yourself or optionally (userName) to full hydration.
/imitate [userName] [message] Forces a [userName] to say a [message].
/instantbuild codehatch.blocks.debug Toggles instant building for the local player
/itemlist rok.command.items.give Lists out the names of all of the items, for use with /give.
/kick [userName] codehatch.command.admin.kick Disconnects the specified player from the server.
/killall (radius) ("silent") rok.command.objects.killall Kills all entities in a radius from you. Chests are not destroyed. Only objects in loaded pages will be killed.
/killbyblueprint [blueprint] (radius) ("silent") rok.command.objects.killbyblueprint Kills all entities in a radius from you. Everything with the blueprint specificed will be destroyed. Only objects in loaded pages will be killed.
/killbytype [type] (radius) ("silent") rok.command.objects.killbytype Kills all entities in a radius from you. Everything with the type specificed will be destroyed. Only objects in loaded pages will be killed.
/list Displays a list of online players.
/local [message] Sends a local message that can only be seen 100m away.
/logout Disconnects from the current server. If used by the server/host it performs a shutdown.
/me [message] Displays a custom message starting with your name.
/menu Displays a list of available menus.
/mute codehatch.command.admin.mute /help mute
/nosecurity Toggles security on or off.
/notice [message] codehatch.command.admin.notice Shows a message from the server with [message].
/nourish (userName) Nourishes yourself or optionally (userName) to full nourishment.
/permission codehatch.command.admin.permissions Change and modify user/group permissions.
/ping Sends a ping to the server and it replys with a pong.
/popup [message] rok.command.ui.popup Shows a popup to all players on the server.
/pos (username) rok.command.pos Shows what your or (username)'s current position is.
/question [message] rok.command.ui.question Shows a popup to all players on the server for a yes or no question.
/registry codehatch.command.admin.registry Change and modify registered users.
/report [username] codehatch.reporting.players Submit a short report of the specified player's cheats or exploits.
/categoryList rok.command.items.give Lists out the names of all of the categories, for use with /giveCategory.
/sendNews [message] Send news to every player.
/serverInfo rok.command.admin.serverfps Broadcast the servers info to the player who sent the command.
/shownametags rok.ui.nametag Toggles name tags above players heads.
/shutdown codehatch.command.admin.shutdown Saves and stops the server. /restart will show a restart notice instead of a shutdown.
/socialInfo codehatch.command.debug The social info of a given player.
/stophunger (userName) Stops Hunger on yourself or optionally (userName).
/stopthirst (userName) Stops Thirst on yourself or optionally (userName).
/suicide Kills yourself.
/time rok.command.environment.time Controls the world's time.
/timeonline codehatch.command.debug Returns the server's total time online.
/timesession codehatch.command.debug Returns the server's current session time.
/tp rok.command.teleport Teleports the player to a desired location.
/tpdelay [x] [z] [time] rok.command.teleport Teleports the player to a desired location, then back after a given time.
index] codehatch.command.admin.ban Unbans the desired player on the server. You can optionally provide an index from the /banlist command.
/videofly rok.command.admin.videofly Toggles flying camera mode.
/weather Changes the weather for the world.
/whisper [username] (message) Sends a private message to a specific player.
/whitelist codehatch.command.admin.whitelist Allow specific players to log in while the whitelist is enabled.
No Join Limit codehatch.login.ignore.playerlimit Allows the users with this permission to join servers even if they are 100% full of players.